6 Awesome Fitness Tips for Busy Moms


6 Awesome Fitness Tips for Busy Moms

You wake up early, hurry through your day, and are back in bed exhausted before you know it. Lost in all the rush – between driving the kids, preparing for your big meeting, doing the laundry, cooking dinner, and everything else – is YOU. There's never enough time for everything on your list, and your health, wellness, and fitness are always at the very bottom.

Don't worry. You are not alone. Women often put so much on their plate that they leave themselves off of it. It's time to take a little time back for yourself. And if all you can find is 10 minutes a day, that's a great place to start. Small changes lead to big rewards. Your body will thank you.

Make Sure To Eat!

Yes, start here. Your body needs fuel for all your errands, meetings, and unexpected moments. Don't skip your meals.

Your body likes a schedule. Eating a healthy breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner means your body will regulate those calories and keep your metabolism going. And it doesn't have to be hard. Keep small bags of almonds in the car for on-the-go, healthy snacking. Set aside an hour on Sunday afternoons for meal prepping so that you have lunch ready every day this week. Invest in a crock pot and scour the web for amazing, simple, healthy meals that require zero effort.

Fuel your body with vegetables, healthy fats, lean protein and for great, long-term energy and health.

Drink Water!

While we're at it, don't forget to stay hydrated. The average woman should drink at least ten glasses of water a day! Water keeps you looking and feeling your best. It beats back fatigue, stress, and depression while reducing the signs of aging. How is everyone not doing this?

Two great hydration tips:
If you don't "like" water, toss in some fruit slices to add some flavor and brighten up your day.
Enjoy what you drink from. Invest in a few fun, upbeat water bottles so you always have one nearby (no excuses that you left it at home or in the car).


HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. This proven method for quick fat-burning and improved metabolism makes even the briefest exercise time much more effective at improving your body.

The secret to HIIT exercises is that you go hard ("High Intensity") for a very brief period and follow that with a quick rest. Intervals can be as short as 20-seconds followed by 10-second rests, or you can lengthen your sets to 1-minute on and 30-seconds off. These short bursts train your body to push its limits, burn anaerobically, and improve your overall health.

If you only have 10 minutes, pick five favorite exercises and start HIIT-ing it! We suggest starting with easy, but super-effective moves like jumping jacks, squats, triceps dips, high knees, and pushups.

Pick It Up

Women are often hesitant to lift weights. Don't be! Old ideas of bulging muscles and long hours at the gym misrepresent the benefits of lifting weights. Strength training burns calories faster, turns up your metabolism, and, of course, improves your strength.

Choose smaller weights for big toning benefit without the big muscles. You can easily incorporate weights into your HIIT routine. Make at least one day a week a strength day.

Choose Small, Awesome Goals

You are a busy mom. This might not be the best time in your life to train for that marathon. Instead, set small, manageable fitness goals. You will be a success!

You might choose a daily goal like, "I am going to make time for a 10-minute HIIT workout today." Or you could set a plan for the week: "I will eat fruit or vegetables with every meal this week." Long-term strategies can also be simple: "I will do a few pushups every day until I can do ten on my toes."

Whatever type of goal you choose, celebrate! You are taking care of you and succeeding!

Get a Good Night's Sleep

Last, but certainly not least, go to sleep.

This is the Number One overlooked step to health and wellness. Getting a good night's sleep is essential to keeping your body in shape. Resting and recharging your body for at least 7-8 hours a night will naturally help regulate your weight, your blood sugar, your heart-rate, and your stress levels. It is the easiest, best thing you can do for your body. Try it tonight.

For more great fitness tips, talk to your personal trainer or fitness instructor. If you don't have time to see one in person, online trainers make staying in shape and staying accountable easy. Start today!

Written by John Welborn for The Healthy Moms Magazine and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.